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Money Mentoring - The 10 Steps

The 10 Steps PDF (23k)

Sage Financial Strategies specializes in hands-on personal Money Mentoring. Money Mentoring is a proven process developed by SFS through which your Accountability Partner personally guides you in developing, maintaining, and reaching your financial goals using The 10 Steps. Your Accountability Partner is your personal CFO, a certified representative of SFS who is partnered with you to map out your financial course.

The very nature of personal financial management demands a process. Money Mentoring is a 10 step process that begins with your current financial attitude, knowledge and position, and continues by guiding you purposefully along life’s financial road.

The 10 Steps to the Road to Purposeful Financial Living:

Using The 10 Steps, SFS has assisted countless individuals and households in understanding their money, gaining control of their cash, and most importantly living satisfied, fulfilled and happy financial lives. Review each of The 10 Steps to discover what you and your Accountability Partner will work on together to achieve purposeful financial living.

  1. Attitude: Understand your current attitude and beliefs towards your finances.
  2. Learning: Learn what money can do for you if handled properly and what it can do to you if handled improperly.
  3. Position: Determine your current financial position.
  4. Values: Discover what you truly value in your life.
  5. Evaluation: Evaluate your current financial position.
  6. Goals: Develop your financial goals.
  7. Budget: Create a road map to your goals.
  8. Structure: Set up your banking structure.
  9. Consistency: Living each day the way you planned.
  10. Review: Periodically you must review your financial position and compare it with your financial goals.

Once you have incorporated the 10 Step process into your life for three months it will be like everything else that you do for over three months, it will have become a lifestyle. You will clearly see the benefits as you watch your debts decrease, your account balances increase and your money directed towards those things that truly add fulfillment and happiness to your life.

When you are ready to commit to living more satisfied and happier financial life contact Sage Financial Strategies to find out what it takes to get started.