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Money Mentoring - Step 3

Determine your current financial position.

It is impossible to get anywhere if you don’t know where you are. You must list your assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses and understand each of them. Trying to make great financial leaps without solid current financial information is like trying to jump while standing in the middle of a 30 foot bowl of Jell-O, every time you try to jump the Jell-O gives and you end up exactly where you started.

What do I have to do? Bring all of your financial paperwork, it’s time to make sense of it all and finally get it organized and understand it.

What will my Accountability Partner do? We will document each facet of your current financial position in an easy to understand format including your inflows and outflows of cash, liabilities, assets and equity. When we are finished with this step we will present to you a very clear picture of your current financial position and where all of your money is coming and going.

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