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Welcome to the Sage Financial Strategies Website

Sage Financial Strategies (SFS) was established by Nader Yassa, CPA in order to provide unbiased personal financial information and services to individuals and families to assist them in setting, maintaining and reaching their financial goals. SFS accomplishes this by providing training, a financial management structure and hand-on financial guidance to each of its clients.

Individuals and families find themselves faced with a number of significant financial decisions to make, and actions to take in order to keep the “Business of Life” running safely and smoothly. Each decision must be carefully made and effectively executed in order for each individual and family to establish, maintain, and reach its financial goals. SFS strongly believes that each goal must be rooted in the values of the individual(s) establishing those goals in order to actually receive fulfillment while the goal is pursued and once it is reached.

Today’s personal financial climate places a large emphasis on how to spend financial resources and consistently expends significant capital in pursuit of your income while not giving much attention to other important personal financial decisions. SFS concerns itself with each aspect of personal finances including earning, saving, investing and spending patterns and promotes a balanced approach to the “Business of Life.”

SFS endeavors to provide personal financial information and guidance grounded in time tested principles that are free from the winds of change and societal pressures. Whether you are currently struggling with debt, attempting to save for the future or trying to evaluate investment decisions, SFS and Nader Yassa are genuinely interested in your financial well being. Please use this website for your education and encouragement as you travel life’s financial road.


Nader Yassa, CPA