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Money Mentoring - Step 1

Understand your current attitudes and beliefs towards your finances.

A reality check with regard to your views about something that you spend over 1/3 of your time pursuing is in order. It is important to realize how you view your finances - are they unimportant, all consuming, or just a tool like any other that you can use as you please?

What do I have to do? Come with an open mind. Realize that by changing your attitudes and what you associate with something, you can change your life for the better. Some individuals have very healthy attitudes about money and just need financial mentoring while others need more guidance in building a different belief system with regard to their money.

What will my Accountability Partner do? If you have a great attitude about your finances and money then we will take you to Step 2. If not, we will help you to shed false ideas and ideals that you may have learned. We will show you how a change in your attitude can change your actions and ultimately your quality of life.

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