Money Mentoring - Step 10
Periodically you must review your financial position and compare
it with your financial goals.
On a monthly basis, we will review your financial
position and compare it with your financial goals. Are you on track?
Why or why not? Use the “Whys” to encourage yourself
to stay on track and use the “Why Nots” as lessons that
you can apply in the following months. This is a great formula because
the more “Whys” you have, the more encouragement you
will get, which will help you to eliminate the “Why Nots”.
You can also receive Encouragement
and Guidance in your e-mail box by signing up for Nader’s
periodic e-mails regarding sound financial decision making.
What do I have to do? Review your
financial performance. Each month you will receive a personal financial
report. It will include a Balance Sheet that will show you your
current financial position and an Income Statement that will itemize
how much you made and how much you spent during the past month.
These statements will also compare reality with your budget. Are
you on budget or not – and why. When the answer is consistently
“On Budget” then you are living your financial life
the way you planned it and are on the road living a purposeful financial
What will your Accountability Partner
do? During each month we gather information regarding your
financial activities. At the end of the month we summarize this
information and mail you your bank statements and paid bills along
with your Balance Sheet and Income Statement as noted above. In
addition, when you are a SFS client you have access to your Accountability
Partner regarding your current finances and any financial decisions
you are facing. Lastly, we can forget taxation. At the end of each
year SFS will prepare your taxes with the information that we have
been tracking all year.
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