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Money Mentoring - Step 6

Develop your financial goals.

Once you have discovered what you truly value in your life it is time to develop some financial goals that will help you achieve what you value. During this process of goal development you must always keep your eye on balance. What are your highest values and how do you allocate your limited resource to those values – this is the challenge. These goals will take into consideration your current income and use certain assumptions about your future earnings, inflation, savings, investing and spending habits. Of course these goals will be established while focusing on what you truly value so that you will enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

What do I have to do? Bring your dreams. This is where you learn that, unless your dream is simply to collect a lot of dollars, dreams are rarely about money, however, in most cases a financial plan relating to each dream gives that dream a better chance of becoming a reality. Before we meet, you will need to think about what you want to do while you are here on earth. Make sure that what you are dreaming about fits into what you value – if not, you may want to adjust your dreams or revisit what you value.

What will your Accountability Partner do? We will document your dreams and relate them to time sensitive financial goals. A timeline will be set and funds will be allocated on a monthly basis to that dream. A goal without a timeline is just a great idea or a wish that has little to do with reality and its likelihood of being realized is incredibly low. In addition, we will help you to stay true to your values during this step.

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