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Nader Yassa, CPA

Biography PDF (29k)

Nader Yassa is a Partner at Sage Financial Strategies, Inc., a California based company that provides financial management training and services to individuals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.

Nader graduated with a degree in Management from Loma Linda University, completed his Post-Graduate studies in Accounting at Portland State University and earned his Certified Public Accounting Certification at KPMG Peat Marwick. He has worked in Big Five public accounting, corporate mergers and development integrating over 22 companies, and held the position of Senior Budget Analyst and National Manager of Training for a Fortune 1000 company.

Nader Yassa has counseled hundreds of individuals and families in becoming successful household money managers. For over 12 years
Nader has assisted people in understanding their money and structuring their financial lives to provide for those things that they truly value.

Nader lives with his wife and daughter in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is currently working on his first book “Where Does It All Go? – A Simple and Effective Guide to Household Money Management” due out in 2006.